Ernesto Che Guevara

Birth place: Rosario, Argentina
Birth Date: 14 June , 1928
Death Date: 9 October , 1967 [Age 39]
Contribution: Political Rebulation and 26th of July Movement

Ernesto Che Guevara was come in this world on July 14, in Rosario, in the part of Argentina. From the beginning of his life, he always tries to work for poor and helpless people. As well as Guevara was familiar to world wide spectrum political person even as a boy.

His father Ernesto Guevara Lynch was an engineer and mother Clia Dela Sena was an Irish as well as Spanish decent. At the age of Che asthma attacks, the doctors advised him for a drier climate. So once more they shifted to Cordoba.

Guevara was a typical bourgeois family. Their political inclinations known to be liberal closer to left. When Spanish civil war that time they supported the Republicans. By means of time they fall in financial crisis or situation worsened.

In education, Che started Dean Funes high school, where he was being educated in English. Similarly, he was learning French from his mother. When he was 14, che started reading Freud.
In 1944 Guevara returns to Buenos Aires. That time, they were Having Serious financial problems. So that Che started working, while he was a student.

1948 Ernesto Guevara traveled in the area of all the Argentinean provinces. since that his mind formed curiosity to travel around the world.
In 1951 December; he absent for Chile and Peru in the company of his friend Granado. Guevara lived for a little time in the leper colony of Huambo. After that he continued his trip to Bogata as well as later to Caracas. His mission is to travel around the world.

1953 reverse in Buenos Aires, he completed his studies in medicines. Next, he left for Bolivia with a new friend, Ferrer. They designed to go to Venezuela, passing through Peru and staying for a few time in Guayaquil, Ecuador. They met others Argentineans and determined to go to Central America with a view to travel. They travelled throughout Panama, Guatemala and Costa Rica. in attendance, Guevara met Hilda Gadea, whom he would marry with later, in Mexico. Guevara got in touch with Peruvian exiles.

1954 June; attack of Guatemala against Arbenz's government. Guevara had to run away to Mexico, where he met Cuban exiles.

1955 July; he met Fidel Castro who told him concerning his plans to overrun Cuba. He connected the group as well as started his military training.

1956 December 2; disembark on Cuba's south coast. December 18, the 12 survivors ongoing the first guerrilla in the Sierra Maestra.

1957 June; Che was named commanding officer. At the end of the year, the war in Cuba entered the critical stage. Guevara was requested to make the journal Cuba Libra in the mass range.

1958 December 29; Che's column fought its concluding battle moreover overtook Santa Clara. December 31, President Fulgencio Batista runaway to Santo Domingo.

1959 January 2; triumphal entrance of Che and Camilo Cienfuegos in La Habana. February; Che is declared Cuban born. On June 2, he married Aleida March. From june till august, Che travelled through Africa, Asia and Yugoslavia. On October 7, Fidel Castro named him head of the Industry Department in the Agrarian Reform's National Institute. On November 26, he is named president of the National Bank.

 1960 Che completed his book "Guerra de guerrillas"("Guerrilla warfare"), in print under the responsibility of the Rebel Department's. It’s first version is concealed all over Latin America. On July 26, throughout the First Latin America Youth Congress, Che defined the Cuban rebellion as a Marxist one. In October, he wrote "Nota Para el Estudio De La Revolucion Cubana" (i.e: For the studies concerning Cuba's revolution"), in which he reviewed the revolution's stages. From October 21 to Febrary 1961, he traveled to the socialist countries (in particular, to China, Czechoslovakia and the USSR) as part of a commercial delegation.

1961 On February 23, he was named Minister for Industry and he quit the National Bank's presidency. In April, he wrote "Cuba, caso exceptional o vanguard en la lucha contra el imperialismo" ("Cuba exceptional case or avant-garde in struggle against imperialism"). On april 17, Playa Giron was invaded. Che was the commander of the military regions. August; Che represented Cuba in the CIES meeting in Punta del Este (Uruguay). He made a short trip to Buenos Aires and had a secret meeting with the Argentinian president, Arturo Frondizi. Then he traveled to Brasilia, where he was decorated by Brazil's president, J. Cuadros, with the Cruz del Sur order.

1962 October; The Russian rocket crisis obligates him to take his military place in Pinar del Rio.

1963 June; Che sent Masetti and a group of Cubans to organize a guerrilla in the northern region of Argentina. He wrote "Pasajes de la guerra revolucionaria" (Revolutionary war passages"). In December, he spoke in front of United Nations' Assembly and he refered to the armed struggle as the only way to realize socialism. He travelled to Mali, Guinea, Ghana, Dahomey and Tazania.

1964 March; he went to Peking. On march 25, he made a speech in Ginebra in the Global Conference of Commerce and Development. He continued traveling to Paris and Algeria, where he got in touch with Ben Bella. On November, he visited Moscow for the third time, On december 11, he made a speech and replied to the United Nations' General Assembly. On December 17, he left New York for Algeria via Canada. He met Ben Bella again, and on december 25, he travelled to Mali.

1965 January; he moved to Brazzaville, Congo, where he discussed the anti-imperialistic struggle in Africa with president Alphonse Massemba Debat. Then he went through Guinea, Ghana, Dahomey, Algiers and Paris, where he received the news about Masetti failure. In Febrary he travelled to Tanzania and he took part in the Second Afroasiatic Solidarity Economic Seminary, in Algiers. On march 3, he got in touch with Congo's rebels again. He made a secret trip to Peking. On march 12, "El socialismo y el hombre en Cuba" ("Socialism and man in Cuba") was published, in this book Che exposed his new man's theory, credit history. On march 14, he went back to La Habana. In april he gave up all his official positions and his Cuban nationality in front of Fidel Castro. In July, he secretly travelled to Congo through Cairo. On october 3, Fidel Castro showed the letter where Guevara had given up his nationality and his charges of Minister and Commander.

1966 March, he had to leave Congo and went back to Cuba. From March to June he travelled through Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia.

1967 On March 23, the guerrilla defeated the Bolivian army in their first unexpected battle. On april 10, the guerrilla triunfed again. Regis Debray and the Argentinian Ciro Bustos left the camp. They were caught by the army on april 20 and so was the journalist George Roth. On May 14, the Bolivian forces took the Nancahuazu guerrilleros' camp which, just before,had been evacuated. On October 8, the battle in Quebrada de Yuro took place. The following day, the Bolivian goverment announced that Che had been executed. On October 15, Fidel Castro formally acknowledged Ernesto Che Guevara's death.

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Unknown said...

Although Che Guevara lived in this world few years but his work still alive...........

Anonymous said...

The photo of young Che Guevara is not him. You just copied this photo of Joseph Stalin in 1902:

MazzRy said...

It is true that the picture of Young Stalin IS NOT CHE GUEVARA.


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